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  Recherche rapide des restaurants
Entrez vos critères (nom des plats, nom des détails de plats, nom des formule, etc...)
(Exemple : Escalope à l'aïl, Paris, chateau, , vins italiens, homard)

Welcome in…
Annuary of cartes-menu restaurants is the site (to be crunched…) places where one can eat. It puts in report/ratio them professionals of the cooking and the restoration with their customers, or any person who wish to discover new places, new main courses, in short a table which is appropriate to him.
Then, us in the exploration of the tastes suggested, benefit from all the scents that you follow and you sit will not fail to meet, we will take your order…

Click here to start.

You are a restaurer
Member FREE registration
Establishement FREE registration
Un manuel d'auto-formation est mis à votre disposition aprés l'enregisrement de votre établissement. Vous pouvez le télécharger à partir de votre tableau de bord.
You wish to record the carte menu and the formulas of your establishment in our gastronomic search engine

You are a professional of the restoration and you wish to belong to the site to make known your establishment with people who seek a main course, a table, a speciality proposes to you to adhere to his club…

Carte-menu registration
Annual cotisation without taxes based on the selected option*
Ours offers 100 €**
Ours offers 210 €**
Ours offers 390 €**
(*) : The description of options is given by one click on the icon presentation od the professionnal menu at left screen. This is displayed when you click on the chef.
(**): Cost of the carte-menu in plus (between 80 and 90 lines) : 80 €

Exemples de cartes-menu Exemples de formules
 Carte-menu n°1  Carte-menu n°2  Carte-menu n°3 Formula n°1 Formula n°2 Formula n°3

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You wish to seek a main course or to compose your preferred menu with help of our gastronomic research engine.

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You are a famished Net surfer in the search of a good table. You can select them criteria of your preferred main courses. A list of restaurants will be proposed to you. You can then to consult the carte menu or the formulas of the restaurant which you selected

Within the framework of the respect of the personal data and private life, respects law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms.

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